Advance your net-zero strategies with spatially explicit forest carbon data

Deforestation & Degradation

Look beyond tree cover loss to bring consistency, robustness, and scalability to your historic emissions accounting.

Insetting & Removals

Reliably track the removals achieved from restoration, reforestation, agroforestry, and conservation of forests.

Reporting & Compliance

Ensure alignment with GHG Protocol, EUDR, and CSRD requirements, powered by a reliable and fully scalable data solution.

For medium to large size projects.
Customer support from the Chloris science team.

Streamline MRV processes and integrate multiple datasets.

Leverage the right data for your organization

Look beyond deforestation impact

Capture all deforestation and degradation for robust emissions accounting

Reliably track removals and go beyond land-cover change

Comply with GHG Protocol, EUDR, and CDSR requirements

Customized services

Data calibration and validation in alignment with GHG Protocol requirements.
Beyond AGB: estimation of stock, emissions and removals from secondary carbon pools.
Land use/cover specific segmentation of biomass dynamics.

Meet your needs by working directly with Chloris or our partner platforms

Chloris benefits

Benefit from attractive volume discounts for large volumes

Ensure seamless integration with our API

Investigate, compare, and aggregate sites and entire portfolios

Access bespoke services for calibration, validation, and more

Access to data starts at USD 5,000 per year.

Partner platforms

Combine Chloris data with other geospatial and nature datasets

Simplify workflows for effortless analysis and reporting

Choose pay-as-you-go or subscription plans via Biometrio, Cecil, Earth Blox, Remote Sensing Solutions, and Upstream Tech.

Annual data since 2000

Geospatial data download

Interactive web interface

30m and 10m resolution

Quality-controlled data

Dedicated customer team