REDD+ Library

The REDD+ Library is a collection of 51 VCS-registered avoided deforestation and degradation projects from around the world.
The Library sheds new light on the climate impact of REDD+ projects. For every project, you gain new insights on: 
  1.  Carbon emissions and removals
  2.  Forest area gains and losses  
  3.  Distinction between emissions from deforestation and degradation
map of sites included in the REDD+ library

Gain access to the REDD+ Library for only USD 9,999 per year.

The projects

See the full list of projects here: REDD+ Library 
The Chloris REDD+ Library covers:



of Verra-registered REDD+ projects

of credits available on the market

Every project includes:

Annual data updates

Above-ground biomass stock

Above-ground biomass change

Forest cover/change insights